Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Apartment

This is mainly for the benefit of my Mam, to show that I can keep my apartment tidy! But before I left for England, I used the fact that my apartment was all cleaned and packed as a chance to do a quick video to show what it looks like.

Although I missed the main Chinese New Years celebrations as I was back in England, the locals are still using up their fireworks before the week starts. I told Chris before we came to expect Beirut during war time, hoping that when we got here, he would be pleasantly suprised that its not that bad. As ever though, I was wrong. It does literally sound as if we are in the middle of an armed conflict. Two restaurant owners taking shots at each other with tanks from either side of the City. They are so loud that they are setting car alarms off continuously. AARRRGGGHHH, what I would give for peace and quiet!


Anonymous said...

Very impressive David, but that could be anyones apartment in fact I think its the Show Home, not yours! Love the bars at the windows. Mam

David Stokes said...

Oh they do give it that prison like feel.