Some attendant took me to the Pool Doctor, who prodded it like a piece of turd, then sprayed deep heat on it and told me I would need an X-Ray. I phoned Sandy, our minder, whose response was 'is it serious?'. My leg was still attatched to my body I told her, but I dont think she heard. So she and Mr Dong came to the pool. It then took them about 40 minutes to decide that maybe I should go to the hospital. Although Sandy was still insistant that it wasnt serious, I shouldn't go to the hospital and that it was my fault.
It was only an hour later and when I had photographic evidence in my hand to show her that it was broke did she stop telling me we needn't be here! Anyway, I think it is only a hairline fracture, from what I could see of the X-ray, as the Doctors couldnt tell me in English. Thats just my expert medical opinion. I now have another plaster cast on my foot, the other foot this time, which has to stay on for four weeks apparently. Perfect timing to coincide with our planned trip to Beijing next week. Stokes luck strikes again.
Here are the X-rays they took. On the second one, I have circled where you can just, almost, about make out the small crack. See, i'm not just trying to get the sympathy vote!

Darling...maybe it's just my funny American way of spelling, but I am relatively certain there is no "turd" in "yesterday."
Andrew, I think you are right, finally. I cannot believe that it is pure coincedence again that out of the eight teachers here, I am the one with the broken toe. Out of the couple of hundred people at the baths that day, I break my toe,no one else. It is some kind of phenomenon!
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