Mother, get the pork pies ready!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
End of Term 1
Mother, get the pork pies ready!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
The Starbucks
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Saturday, January 20, 2007
Last lesson of term
One student asked - 'Which boy is the most handsome?'. The student in question was a boy, who considered himself to be very handsome and wished to discuss that with someone.
Another student asked which friend liked Formula 1, so I gave her Andy's name, telling her he simply adores F1. (Sorry Andy, I lied knowing full well you hate F1).
I made my weekly gaff, when a girl asked me 'Can you show me how to write joined-up?'. A bit of a wierd request I thought, given that a lot of her words were all ready written so. However, being the good teacher that I am, I duly showed her a few ideas on how to do it. After about 2 minutes of this, she stopped me, and said 'No, I mean the actor out of Pirates of the Carribean'. I quickly wrote Johnny Depp and hurried away.
I often say to my students - 'I know your tired, so if you finish your work early, feel free to go to sleep' - and they do :-
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Its all over
Well after nearly five months its pretty much all over, finished. I can still remember with fondness those very first hours, all that time ago. Starting open eyed and full of optimism, new friendships were made and hopes were high. Things were not always smooth running though, arguments often occurred, especially between the Americans and the British, as is to be expected when the Americans mistakenly begin to believe that they are far superior to all. A number of incidents however made clear this obviously is not the case. During the middle months, time did drag and interest started to disappear. However, towards the end and especially during this last month, excitement has returned. Yes, its been great, but finally – Charlie and I have finished watching all seven series of The West Wing.
I think it is only fair to comment about this on the blog, as The West Wing has literally been the main source of amusement for Charlie and me. With little else to do in our spare time, after teaching and in the long periods between the opportunities to go and travel around
Friday, January 12, 2007
Looking forwards to February
Well January is turning out to be a less than exciting month. With February offering us the chance to have an entire months holiday, everyone has organised to leave
The Chinese students are taught to speak English phonetically, thus they pronounce ‘bus’ as ‘bas’ – how Hyacinth Bucket might pronounce it. The students decided enough was enough, and they were going to correct my pronunciation. ‘Its not bus, its bas’ the little buggers shouted. I fought back. I wrote ‘bass – bas – bus’ on the board, informing them that the first word is the name of a fish. I then got the whole class to read the words out loud – and yup, they were exactly the same. So I asked them if when they visit
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
How China works
Just to highlight the way in which
On New Years Day, Anthony decided that he was going to return to
Its 2007
Well i’m now up to date with the posts, its Wednesday the 3rd of January – 2007! We arrived back from
We had planned on seeing the New Years in, on the roof of the hostel, overlooking
Tis the season to be merry!
I have spent most of the last week or so either drunk or hung-over. I have eaten like a pig at numerous restaurants, coffee shops and hotels. Christmas day involved opening presents around the Christmas tree we had in Charlie’s living room, then continuing to drink while we watched the West Wing. Nothing much has changed there really.
For Boxing Day, we had organised a 9-a-side football match against some of the students from one of my classes. Fed on nothing but carbohydrates, these nine 17 year olds were a tough opposition. Add to this the obscene amount of alcohol we two larger louts had consumed the day before and I think we did very well to finish the game 5 a piece. My inability to play football was never an issue. I spent the best part of the time trying my hardest to stay well clear of the action, only to accidentally get involved towards the end of the game, thus losing us our two goal lead. It has now snowballed into a weekly fixture, something my beer belly is not happy to hear!
Im no Van Gogh!
About four weeks ago,
However, we now know that this is exactly the reason we were asked to learn to paint in the first place. Our school had entered us in a Province wide competition, representing the School, to show how much Chinese culture we had learnt so far during our stay. I was fuming. The plan was for Kristina to sing a Chinese song, something she is very capable of. At the same time, four of us were to draw our pictures and show them to the audience at the end of the song.
I can honestly say that I never imagined drawing a cabbage in front of an audience of approximately 100, accompanied by Kristina singing opera in my ear hole, with the pride of
The next evening, all the entrants were invited to a Christmas party, with complimentary buffet and drinks. Half an hour in and our table was undoubtedly the most drunk, knocking back a shocking amount of free wine. We did ourselves proud. We were expected to repeat our performances for the benefit of the Mayor of Shijiazhuang, so I think it was lucky, given how drunk we all were, that
Late Posts
Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but I have a good reason this time other than laziness. You may have seen in the news that there has been an earthquake off the coast of