Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Drunken madness

Meredth and I have a love/hate relationship, in that we both love to hate each other. Last term, for rasons unknown to me, it was decided that we would have a drunken fight, during one of our numerous evenings of drink at the appartment. Charlie filmed it, fun was had, especially since we both got a chance to vent some of our anger for one another. Trying not to lose any pride or dignity I may have remaining and trying to control my inner rage is a tricky thing after a belly full of the local brew. Anyhow, last weekend, drink was yet again consumed. Yep, Round 2 took place, again recorded on camera.

I wouldn't like to call the fight, I think I lose regardless. For the sake of any shame I may have remaining, I must add that Meredith can pack a punch! For your added amusement, I point you in the direction of Brock, before the fight begins. I think this was filmed around about 11pm, maybe even earlier. You can clearly see Brock swaying, lots! Not long before this, he had cycled round the sports track and barged into our boss' office (admittedly due to being pushed by Meredith) and blurted out 'I need a water' to a bemused boss (Who was there with friends working apparently).


Anonymous said...

Keep that girl away from my son. I would like to have some grandchildren someday so he'll need those b----s.
Worried Mam

Anonymous said...

nice one dave. always knew you had a fight in you. although i think she had the better of you... i did enjoy the couple of knee's you got in. any how looks like you're still working hard. keep it up.
