Sunday, October 08, 2006

Were back!

Well its been a long week, but I survived without breaking any more bones! As it was our first time in Beijing, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. It was learning the very hard way. Almost everything we did hit trouble at some point or other, but we did pretty much everything we wanted to and more (minus the little con incident!).

I took quite a lot of photos and given the fact that I am incredibly lazy, I have simply uploaded them all at once onto the internet CLICK HERE. For the people out there who aren't as computer wise as others (Hi mam and dad), simply click the link, then you can either browse each photo one by one, or click on the 'View Slideshow' button, sit back and let the computer show you all the photos. It's a walk in the park.


Anonymous said...

good to see you made it back in one piece, stunning photo's, especially the one with the guy in the newcastle top.

Anonymous said...

Well I feel as though I've walked the wall myself. Please tell me you didn't eat that little donkey David. Had a brill time at England match, a goal would have been nice though . Topped it off with fish and chips from Harry Ramsdens afterwards! Try and ring today before we go to Marrakesh.

Anonymous said...

Great photos, shame about getting conned but all part of the experience I guess.

Those of us that are still in the country are all meeting up for a night out soon...can you guess who is being difficult to pin down on a date?

David Stokes said...

Where you all meeting? What I would give for a night on the razzle dazzle in the UK!

As for guessing who, somethings simply never change!

Anonymous said...

fancy meeting the new newcastle centre forward, I wondered where he got to

Anonymous said...

planning to meet in brum but arranging a weekend is dead difficult. I'm trying to make an effort to get it sorted though - need to have a night out soon as you guys get back too.