Friday, September 15, 2006

Working hard!

Just to prove I am actually working and not just drinking hard - here are a few photos of my classroom. When I drew the flag on the board, everyone thought I was from Switzerland for some reason, I quickly sorted that out!

I teach on my own, to a class of 35 students, aged 16-19, 24 times a week for 40 minutes a lesson. It is difficult to stay enthusiastic when you are teaching the same thing over and over again that is for sure. About 590 of the students are great, eager and listen well. The other ten deserve a foot up their a**e. I have found that shouting in a deep voice whilst throwing chalk usually works a treat.


David Stokes said...

Hi there. Im glad you like the blog! It will probably be easier for me to reply to you if you email me. My email address is -



Anonymous said...

Hi david I'm your student in Clas 4 . I am sky . Your blog is wonderful , I like it . Promise is my friend , his name is moon . Do you remember ? Thanks for your teaching , I like you . Your style , you let me feel free . I like fredom . I will remember you E-mail .