Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Im slowly getting there!

Finally, I have found a PC that appears to let me log on to this blog. The computers are exceptionally limited! I may have to change the name of the blog to 'ilovechinesefood.blogfood.com' as I am getting some seriously bad looks from the other teachers. So if for some reason the blog doesnt work, try that.

I am currently having a break inbetween classes, of which I have a minimum of 24 a week, lasting 45 mins, with 30 students in each class and we teach by ourselves. I normally have trouble making myself clear to us English folk, never mind 16-18yr old Chinese children, it is proving to be a difficult task to say the least.

I am going to go back through the photos I have took, and post them in order from when we arrived, as I think it will be the only way to show you quite how much we were thrown in at the deep-end. I have photos of things I have eaten for instance, that not even the Chinese people who are cooking them for us are aware what they are - "Its from the Sea down south" is all we get. Tasted lovely though!

Anyway, im off for "Sahn Pi Ju" shortly - three beers, oh the joy.


Anonymous said...

Mr Stokes from Middlesbrough!! i'm still attending alcoholics anonymous but my dancing feet keep making me go clubbing. Will you please drop me an email so i can reply (you should have it somewhere) Cheers

David Stokes said...

I think too much Pi Ju and Chow Mein has made me even dumber than normal - Who is Mr Stokes from Middlesboro I was thinking?!?! Ah yes, I remember, me. Doh! Kirsty if Im not mistaken! My email address is davidpstokes@hotmail.com if anyone wants to email me by the way.