Monday, August 28, 2006

I'm here!

"Ni Hao" - I think that means hello, though i am far from certain. I'm here, finally. I may have to change the name of the blog to I Love Chinese food as im getting a lot of wierd looks from the teachers! I'm getting the internet in my room on fri (apparently). I'll do a propper post then. So far i've ate donkey soup, showered whilst sat on the toilet, and been informed that I am to teach a class of 40 students on my own 18 times a week, and I am not even sure how to say hello, I am doomed.


Anonymous said...

Inedible food. Unable to say "hello" in the country you're in. Funny looks from the teachers. Showering whilst squat over the bog. You sure you've left England pal?


David Stokes said...

Oh i'm definately sure of that! We just found out that the beef pancake with donkey sauce me and Charlie ate last week, was actually ALL donkey! Can't believe it.